Sunday, June 7, 2009

did'ja ever wonder?

air1 [lair] –noun

1. a den or resting place of a wild animal: The cougar retired to its lair.

2. a secluded or hidden place, esp. a secret retreat or base of operations; a hideout or hideaway: a pirate's lair.

3. British. a place in which to lie or rest; a bed

an online friend recently asked about my 360 title 'vankalen's lair'. it's never ocurred to me that it would need explanation, but i guess i forget we're not all personally acquainted here.

my daughters name is kalen. when she was born, the entire free world wanted to call her katelyn. i would constantly correct people, saying..."no, not KATE. there is no T. it's KALEN. prounced like van halen, but w/ a K"?

honestly, even then, not everybody understood. unless you liked rock and roll, a van halen reference just muddied things up.

years ago, when i first got online with evil AOL, they had little profile pages that you could create for yourself. i called mine 'vankalens lair'. just a place i would go to write, tell about myself, or vent. fast forward 10 years or so, and you can't swing a wet cat w/o tripping over a blog. i decided to continue the tradition and call my 360 'vankalen's lair'.

so there. hope this clears things up for everyone. :)

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