Sunday, June 7, 2009

splish splash can i please take a bath?

it occurred to me recently how positively underrated showers are. I can be having just a so-so kinda day. nothing special, no real motivation for anything more arduous than brushing my hair, you know the feeling. but, take a shower, and voila! I am a new woman. and do not even get me started on bath-time. remember when you were a kid? constant fights w/ your parents..."take a bath? but i just took one last nite"...."did i take a bath yet? why, is one missing?" it was hell for my mother. bottom line? bath-time rocks. when is the last time you took a properly relaxing bubble bath? I suspect many of you are having trouble remembering.

Today's Daily Indulgence? the ultimate bath. i couldn't agree more...

**Here's what you need for the ultimate bath:

A clean bathtub (this is crucial)
Some candles
A favorite bubble mix or expensive bath salts (palmolive doesn't count)
A clean fluffy towel -- right out of the dryer is always nice
Bonbons and/or a lovely glass of wine (or 2)
Fragrant lotion to rub on afterward.

hit the bath just before bed, in the hopes that you'll have the fewest disturbances -- because Mama should not be disturbed. and as everybody knows, if Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!

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