Sunday, June 7, 2009

guys are so weird...

over the weekend, i made a change to the bathroom. for months and months, i have been looking for a new toilet seat. this one was the original that came w/ the toilet, and after years of it slamming down and/or having kids stand on it to reach stuff in the cabinet over the commode, it was looking a bit tired. the toilet is gray, so my mission was more difficult than anticipated. it was absolute hell finding a gray toilet seat. eventually tho, i was able to find one on ebay (big surprise) and it arrived a few days ago. after installing the new seat, my husband comes back into the kitchen holding up the old one. i looked @ him puzzled, as i could not imagine what his plan was. "do you want this for anything"? he asked.


now call me crazy, but i found this to be a supremely absurd question. (and by the way ewwww) why, in all that is holy, would i want a used toilet seat? is there a lot of call for this kinda thing? could i wipe it down and call it jewelry? pop-art? a picture frame perhaps?

i mean jeez....

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