Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sisters on the Fly

i'm a member. "Sisters on the Fly", sister #607 reporting for duty.

a few years ago i saw a segment on the travel channel about this womens camping group. i was immediately intrigued and said, "if i should disappear in the near future, contact these ladies. they'll know where i am."

"Sisters On the Fly" is the brainchild of two real sisters who dreamed up the idea while camping/fishing on a river in Montana. now, with a membership of over 600 women, these creative vagabonds load up their newly-adorned trailers and head off camping around the U.S.

vintage trailers (from the 50's and 60's and then some) would often be tossed, but the sisters give them new life with retro interiors and elaborate western motif. they are absolutely fabulous, truly deserving of the term 'cowgirl caravan'. their trailers become their hobbies, and soon, their "children", with assorted themes and names like 'whiskey ho', 'mountain mama' and 'prairie princess'. here, women have found a place to build solid friendships and share their passions. their restored trailers are traveling billboards for western outdoor fun. they trade martini recipes and shopping tips. they organize things like 'cowgirl college' and sponsor river rafting trips. i've already rode the rapids, but roping a cow? the SOTF motto is "we have more fun than anyone". who wouldn't want to be a part of something like that? joining this group was for me, a total no-brainer.

the mission statement of SOTF is, "offering empowerment and sisterhood through exceptional outdoor adventures." online message boards finds the sisters engaging in high tech trailer reconstruction, as well as plumbing and electrical dialogue. make no mistake. no girley girls here. these are not your june cleaver moms.

members come from as far away as Virginia, Texas, California and yes, even New Jersey, to participate in the Cowgirl Caravan.

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