Sunday, June 7, 2009

recently i realized i have blogged (ranted) twice now about that semi-sandra can't cook a thing woman, when who i should be blogging about is my idol ina garten.

there's something just so appealing about her. first of all, she lives in this fabulous house in the hamptons (duh) and she likes to cook and entertain. just like me. she eats and drinks alot. just like me. and she apparently has a slew of gay friends. also just like me. she could stand to lose more than a few pounds. just like me. so, aside from being obscenely rich, and living in a faboo house in the hamptons, i could conceivably BE ina garten. or at the very least, blend in really well at any function of hers.

she has this semi-devilish little chuckle that just kills me. like she knows who ate the canary but she ain't tellin. and she has all these fabulous cocktail recipes that almost always involve a blender with fresh fruit and fattening ingredients. she has these gorgeous grounds with beautiful gardens and killer herbs growing all over. i'm telling you, i could die there.

and let's not forget her cherubic husband jeffrey. they are just so in love and cute together. he works at an ivy league university and is usually gone all week, returning home on weekends only. hello? do i have to even go into why this is a good thing? clearly, the relationship is working for them.

if there was a cable channel that was all ina all the time, i would sign up in a ny minute. she's like watching i love lucy. i could watch over and over again and enjoy each like it's the first time i'm seeing it.

yup. ina rocks. and now i must go. her show is on. :)

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